Sunday, July 29, 2018

Sunday - 7/29/18

Ah Sunday!  Here we go again.  A new week is upon us as the weekend winds down.  Sunday nights we find ourselves almost at our busiest time of the weekend.  We try to tie up loose ends around the house and Ruby furiously meal preps for the coming week.  She has done a great job of it the last three or four Sunday nights.  At times you can see the exhaustion on her face while working on the menu for the next two to four days.  I feel bad.

I really don't have any particular direction for this post, so I leave with a couple of random thoughts....

- be careful what you wish for sometimes.  We are doing some work to the house, and knowing that in the long run it will be well worth it, the journey to getting there can be a bit frustrating.  Wish we would just get to the end of it...not so fast though....

- Ruby purchased a couple of Stephen King audio books for me.  I've never dabbled in his books before, although I have read The Shining and Stand by Me so never mind.  I will add this to the growing number of "books to read," although audio books can be a little easier since I can listen while I drive around the greater Houston area for work. 

- August is pretty much here.  I keep reminding the kids that summer is almost done, just so it doesn't catch them off guard.  Gotta try to make the most of what little summer that is left for them...time, where does it go?!? 

- I hate yard work.  I've put mine off well enough to punish myself once I finally get to it. 

- I have thought about getting into mediation here and there, but am thinking more about it lately.  I don't know why? 

I guess I will leave it at that for now.....will try to post in the next week or two....(maybe)...

Sunday, June 24, 2018

What Motivates You?

Here we are again, yet another blog post about trying to pick things back up.  We are six months into the year and thought it might be good to look at what goals I set out to do at the beginning of the year and see how well, or how shitty I have done.  After evaluating that,  I would probably reset or refocus on said goals.  The only problem is why?  Why does one stop doing something that they really want to do?  What is it that makes maintaining, say a work out program, or eating better throughout the year?  One of the great mysteries of my life.

I remember someone said that if you need motivation to get started or to do something, then you probably don't want to do it, or shouldn't.  I can see the point in that, but surely this isn't the case for everyone.  If memory serves, it was Trent Reznor that said that on a Rockline interview many moons ago.  That is easy for him to say.  He may be wired a certain way than I might be (very clearly).  Let's say that he is musically gifted and working on music isn't as hard to him, and he probably has the means to do so as well.  Different circumstances for everyone.

I do certainly understand what he meant by that.  If you want to do something, then just fucking do it, right?!  Bam!  Simple as that.  It certainly makse a ton of sense, but it just isn't as easy as that for some...hell, for most, I imagine. Having said all of that, I am starting to just do things.  It's a slow process, but I am crawling my way into starting things, and keeping them going.  There's a lot to do.

The big thing is maintaining it  I should be so much better at running, but I always stop.  It's never easy.  There a lot of reasons to stopping, but in the end you might think that are excuses.  You can say that, for sure, but they are legitimate.  Having a family, having a full time job, and even owning a house.  None of it is easy.  It is easy, however, stopping.  Way too easy.  Ugh.  I am really going to try. I've had a successful week, now just to grow in it.  Improve.  I have to.  It is my goal.  I am going to try the just fucking do it thing.  So far, one week in, I've done it.  One big whoop, right?!!  No.  Maybe not, but it's a start, and I go from here.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Well, here I go....(Second goal of 2018)

Up next on my goals for 2018 is to start working out consistently.  I did for quite a while last year, but of course, the inevitable break happened.  Why oh why do I have to stop in the middle of something?!?  I'll never know.  I am just looking to continue on what I found out that I can do.

I found that I could work out almost everyday of the week.  Utilizing things that we have at home already, and especially utilizing time to do it.  The main thing is using a Spin Bike that Ruby once bought while she was up in the wee hours of the night when Raymond was but a small baby.  While up in the middle of the night and having the tv on, the old infamous infomercial did it's magic.  The infomercial was for Spinner Bikes, and it worked its charm on Ruby.  Wow, to think we have had it for 11 years!!!  Sure, we have used it to exercise from time to time, but we really used it for was as a nice clothing rack.  It's a shame of course, but I have really tried to get our moneys worth from that thing.  Having it at the house, what excuse do I have to not work out.  (Being lazy, that's what)

The hard part was getting going.  Like I said before, I know that I can work out five to six days of the week, but just pulling the trigger would be the challenging part.  I decided to start working out once I was done with a work trip to Arlington for an entire week.  I figured that there was not a chance in hell that I was going to eat right while away from home.  I was right.  I didn't go bat shit crazy, but it was nowhere near what I would eat if I was at home.

The work week came and went, and I decided to start on the Monday that I was back.  I eased into with a simple work out for this first day.  I didn't want to kill myself, I just wanted to get back into it.  Mission accomplished!  I have completed day two and feel really positive that I did.  Day two seemed to be the harder than the first day to just even get started (so far).  I really didn't want to, but as usual, I was glad that I did.  Easing into it might have done the trick.  I will be sure to gradually increase what I do as the weeks go on (hopefully).  Next week, I will even start back running.  First the easy work out, then add the spin bike, and finally the running.  The next 5K in the Run Houston Series will be here before I know it.  I really want to improve on my 5K running this year as well.

Last year I started putting together nice work outs and runs, and this year I just want to continue on that and eventually improve on it all.  Will I?!?  I am sure the odds are stacked against me.  Just trying to be honest here, but for now, I will try my very best to keep it going.  Now, if I can get to eating right.......ugh....

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

One goal for 2018

I’m trying to read more in 2018, among other things. 

The first book up is American Gods.  I actually started reading this last year, but finished it up with the help of Audible. I’m up to debate on whether audio books are actually considered “reading” books or not. In any event, I completed it via audio book. I read more than half of it, and in true Nick fashion, stopped and put it away for a while. 

I absolutely loved this book. I mean, I really enjoyed it. I’m not going to review it or anything because I’m the absolute worse when it comes to describing or recommending something to anyone. That being said, I am about to dive into all things Neil Gaiman. Hell, I will even READ this novel again. Like freaking seriously. 

I have come to find out that he has a few other stories based in The American Gods Universe. I must have them...

Now, they just adapted and aired a season on American Gods on Starz.  I’m not entirely sure I like it. It strayed from the book a bit. The first two episodes or so are solid, then it strays. The show runners that were in charge of the first season have since left the show. I wonder what is going to happen from here on out. I think it was casted wonderfully, so there is that. I’ll just have to wait and see if they can get it together, at least in for me....

So, there it is. I’ll go and consider that my first book read in the new year.  Does it really count?  Hmmmm...I don’t know, but it’ll do for me.