Covid continues to thrive and mess with everyday life, you don't need me to tell you that, but man it certainly seems like more people that I know have gotten it recently than any other wave. It certainly feels that way, anyway. I have been lucky enough to not have gotten Covid, that I am aware of. I've had a couple of close calls, but so far, so good. Add on top of that, I just recently received my booster shot (finally), so here's to hoping I continue to avoid any positive results. I guess I will say it, I am so over this crap disrupting everyday life. It does seem like we are adapting to it, but it still just isn't the normal life that we have all known pre-2020. Will we ever really get there? Who the hell knows, surely eventually. Before moving on, I will report that my arm does hurt a bit from the booster shot, but hasn't really bothered me, or hindered me in doing my job of sometimes lifting 50-70 pound ice chests stuffed with soil/water samples and ice.
So far in 2022, I have pretty much accomplished preeeettttty much nothing at all. I have gotten off to a fantastic start there. Big. Fat. Zero. I really need to change my mind set and get off my ass. Ugh, it is so hard to get going. It shouldn't be, but it is. I think I am naturally lazy. Ha! I know there are the type of people that are always going, always doing something. You know, people that can't sit still, they just have to be up doing something. Nope, not me. This has never been a problem for me at all. I even know that I need to get up and do something, but I just don't. I have to change this. Sigh, more to come on this...hopefully.
A couple of quick hits on the way out...
- Since that New Year, "time to get in shape declaration" that some of us make, I have GAINED two damn there's that....
- The new Scream movie is easily the second best in the franchise (Girls' LOVED it!)
- It kind of sucks when you are at a job for several years and things start changing. Why do things have to change? (I still like my job, but.....)
- I am thinking of getting the Old Gamboa Test Kitchen going and trying some new recipes very soon.
Apologies for the few weeks delay on this, I really want to keep this going, but when I started this back up I was on a three week "break" from work due to COVID exposure for precaution. I had a bit of time to kill, but once we got back to normal, it got a bit difficult to get back. I think I am getting settled back into a normal life, just have to figure the schedule out and stay on it.