You know, I always have a bunch of things that I want to do. Not necessarily goals, but you could say that. When I actually get some things going, I find that I can't seem to stay consistent on one of them, something always seems to get left behind. It's like I can't juggle doing more than two or three things for any amount of time. I don't quite know why that is...duh, or else I woulds be doing them. Running is dominating my time right now. Not that it is super time consuming, but it does wear me down. It think it is the getting up at 05:30 in the morning five times a week. Not sure if this is the answer to the problem, I can't go to sleep early. Try 05:30 in the morning, and running. You might change your tune a little.
I was doing really well with reading for about two years, but I fell off that horse and hard. It first started when the post season started for the MLB. I told the girls that as long as The Astros were in the postseason, normal life will come to a stop, and it did. Once it ended, very successfully, the holidays were right behind that. Since then, I can't seem to pick it back up. I don't know why, I really love to get lost in a great story....I really do. I am just having a hard time trying to get back to everyday reading. I will try to schedule it in this week, but it hasn't worked yet.
The other thing that lingers around me is playing music. I can't seem to keep that going either, strange to me in that I do want to. Ugh, at least I think that I do. Why is it that I can't seem to stay with it?!?! I had a good little streak going with playing the bass a little. At the time, I was hoping to jam with Raymond. After a few weeks, it just faded. It is something else that I am going to try add to my routine in the next week, or so.
Another thing I am trying to approve on is trying to keep the house clean. Like I have been really putting in major effort into it. The only thing that really happens with that is I get stuck in the kitchen. It takes all of the damn time!! I am still trying though. There are other areas that I want to get to, again, something else I am going to effort to squeeze in the daily routine.
Spring Break is winding down. It was fairly uneventful for the kids. I think they are ok with it though. Squeezed in one other movie, Memento, which they all liked. Looking ahead at the calendar, there is just about two months left in the school year. Shit. I can be dangerous to look ahead. Raymond will be done with 11th grade and the Girls will be in the 8th. Where does the time go? I don't know, but I do my best to try and make good memories with the kiddos. I feel as if I have done a pretty good job with that. Hopefully, they look back at me with happiness. We need to get more time in with friends and family, the time will fly by and we will all wonder just what the hell happened?