Because of me being sick, February was a weird month. It was good, yes, but being sick really killed it for me. I don't know if I can ever top February for seeing good live music. It was almost an amazing run for me. I mean, how can you top seeing Broken Social Scene, Johnny Goudie and the Little Champions, ...And You Will Know Us By The Trail of Dead, Arthur Yoria, and Tody Castillo, all in one month? To me, all of the shows that I saw were pretty much great. I would have a very hard time having to pick one show over another. I wish that I could elaborate on all of them, but I guess too much time has past for me to back track and try to remember, and then try to write it up. Either way, they were memorable shows, and shows that are going to be hard to top, and only in the second month of 2009. I do want to try and make at least a local show a month, but we will see how that works out.
It has been a fun month and a half though, despite me being sick. A lot has gone down and good times have indeed been had, but I have to say that the highlight would have to be the news that we are going to have twins. I mean, let's be serious, how could that not the to top headline in my life? Hands down, right!??! Of course!! It's definitely something I, or Ruby, was ever expecting. It's so hard to try and express how I feel. I never in a million years pictured being a father of three children. It's a bit weird in a way. It's going to be fun....well, I know it's going to be pretty tough at first. I mean, the first year and change might the toughest part. Well, I don't know, maybe not. I guess only time will dictate that and all I can do is try my best.
I have gotten so use to it being the three of us right now, that it is a little sad (just a little) in some way to know that it is going to change. I guess, the close of one chapter and the start of a new one, right?! Man, if I thought with Raymond's arrival was a life changer, the twins' arrival is going to be 100 times more life changing than that. As I had said a few times before, this should be interesting.
I can only assume that the rest of the year is going to be preparing for the new arrivals, so with that, I can assume as well that this blog will only help in chronicling the progress of the pregnancy. I mean, that's gotta be a safe assumption, wouldn't you agree? Well, for now I will just leave it at that. I think that this was a huge step for me just trying to update this blog. Hopefully it gets the ball rolling. Here are a picture of two from the live shows that I attended (I hope they come out alright, and I hope you enjoy!). (the Broken Social Scene photo was taken from

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