In any event, this update is overdue. I think that I said that I was going to update it a couple of weeks ago, but all hell broke loose soon after. I think that this might be the only time that I vent about, or mention work in a blog. This will be the only time, I promise....
Let me first start off by saying that it was nice to leave work, on a Wednesday, before 8:00. Really, it feels like I got away with something without getting caught. "I'm as happy as a little girl." It's been a great night for me, personally. At least, so far!
It's been pretty hectic, pretty terrible at work for going on three weeks now. Or has it been four? It's kind of hard to recall. Everything just blends together, or is really blurry. There was pretty much a two week stretch where I didn't see the baby girls awake (on weekdays), which really, really sucked. The last weekend, it took me about a day and a half to feel at least a little bit rest, only to have to start the work week all over again. I can pretty much keep going on and on....
It kind of all came to a head for me this morning when Raymond cried at the site of my Mom getting here and him telling me that he didn't want to go to her house, and that "I want to stay home with you Dada!" Yeah, made me feel like shit, not to mention that I could barely keep my eyes open, just trying to stay awake. That will mess with you, let me tell you....after all that, the day turned out to be just a little bit better for me at work, which is to say that it was a lot better. I highly doubt that tomorrow will be any better, being as Thursday's are our busiest day of the week, but just having a somewhat manageable day, helped me out personally.
I would go even further as to say that I just haven't been too happy. I mean, I wasn't depressed, but I just wasn't happy. Weird how a job can do that to you, but it was starting to really get to me. I don't know if it is going to get any better. In fact, I know it isn't, it will just get worse (Summer is the busiest time for most environmental labs). I just think that I am getting used to it. Pretty sad, huh?
Any way the title of this post is in reference to me not really being able to drink beer. You guys know that I love to drink beer. It's a way for me to unwind, to just feel good, you know!! But these past weeks, beer just hasn't had that sweet, wonderful taste. Hell, last Saturday night I couldn't even drink one of my favorite beers (Satan). I forced myself. After a while I ended up spilling about half of it down the drain. I knew something was definitely wrong with me. And Mike!!! What is the deal with this Real Ale ESB!?? Gross and Yuck!!! It is too bitter for me. You owe me a sixer man...gross.....
Well, tonight....I can actually enjoy the sweet nectar that is beer....whew! I am glad to be over that!!!! PRAISE!!!
that's all for now...another update before the weekend is over, I promise!
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