Sunday, August 24, 2008

well, well....

it's been well over a month since my last blog, so I decided to try and type something up here on this Sunday morning...

I wish I could keep up with this thing more often, but I find that it is difficult to squeeze time in to do so. I guess that is just an excuse (and I am full of them!), but I guess it is just like anything else...I have to make the time and effort. Well, I guess I don't HAVE to, but I would like to. I like blogs for what ever reason. I like reading people's blogs. I like the way people have them set up. I need to work on that a little, or do you like the fact that I rock the plain white set up? I guess only time will tell if I actually get around to playing with the set up....

a couple of quick hits....

I have only seen The Dark Knight twice! Dare I say it was a little bit better the second time!?

If I didn't have to work, I would have more time to do more things...

I received a drunken cell phone call at 1:27 Friday Night/Saturday Morning from Eric...I didn't answer, but he left a message. Man, what are you? My Ex or something....borderline gay there man....

and the world is just about right now...the Dynamo are making their run and are in first place, The English Premiere League has started (Soccer), College Football starts next weekend, and NFL Football is two weeks away! (see what I mean?!)

Well, I guess that is all for now. Don't have much to do at the moment, but I should probably get to something else that I have put off doing...and after that, we drop off Raymond at Laura's for a while and go catch Pineapple Express with Chris and Nina...should be fun....

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